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Univ publications update 2024

Rethinking Cyber Warfare book cover Here is a selection of the fascinating fiction and non-fiction written by Univites published recently.

Old Members

The Hon. Andrew Butler KC (1987, Classics) published Building Safety Act 2022: A guide for property lawyers (The Law Society, March 2024).

John Crompton (1981, PPE), Univ Foundation Fellow, published Public Net Worth: Accounting – Government – Democracy (Palgrave Macmillan, February 2024).

Dr R David Edelman, Distinguished Fellow of Internet Policy Research Initiative (IPRI), Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), Center for International Studies (CIS) at MIT, published Rethinking Cyber Warfare (OUP, May 2024), which hit #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list in all categories.

Ashley Goodall (1991, Music) published The Problem With Change: The Essential Nature of Human Performance (Penguin, May 2024), a timely exploration of the complexity of organisational transformation.

Dr Miles Kellerman (2017, International Relations) has a new publication, Into the ether or the state? Legibility theory and the cryptocurrency markets (CUP, February 2024).

Book cover Iranian Syntax in Classical ArmenianDr Michael Malone-Lee (1964, Classics) published Cardinal Bessarion (1403–1472): Most Latin of Greeks, Most Greek of Latins (Routledge, 2024). During his life, Cardinal Bessarion was a stellar student, a Basilian monk, a Greek Orthodox archbishop, a Roman cardinal, a papal diplomat, and an eminent humanist and scholar.

Professor Dr Robin Meyer (2007, Classics) published Iranian Syntax in Classical Armenian (OUP, December 2023). There are a few other recent books we haven’t reported on, listed here.

Howard Palmer KC (1973, Law) published The Law of Property Damage (Bloomsbury Professional, 2023).

Out of Sri Lanka book coverPireeni Sundaralingam (1986, Experimental Psychology), the College’s inaugural Poet Laureate, was featured in the first anthology of Sri Lankan poetry of poets from Sri Lanka and also the Sri Lankan diaspora, published by Bloodaxe (called Out of Sri Lanka), which was selected as a Poetry Society book recommendation this year.

Animal Lives Matter book coverProfessor Raymond Wacks (1971, Law), Emeritus Professor of Law and Legal Theory, published Animal Lives Matter: The Continuing Quest for Justice (Routledge, February 2024).

The Blunders of our Government book coverMichael Ward (PPE) published Unceasing war on poverty: Beatrice and Sidney Webb and their world. The book launch was held at the House of Lords on Tuesday 12 March 2024.

Honorary Fellows

Sir Ivor Crewe, former Master of Univ and Honorary Fellow, has been updating his 2013 book, The Blunders of Our Governments with the updated version due out in October 2024.

Published: 29 May 2024

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