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Univ boatman sets new record

Jim Ronaldson and Ian Davies arriving in Antigua - Image World’s Toughest Row

Jim Ronaldson and Ian Davies arriving in Antigua – Photo: World’s Toughest Row

Congratulations to Jim Ronaldson, Univ’s boatman, who completed a row across the Atlantic Ocean in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge (a.k.a. “The World’s Toughest Row”) at 2.40 am on 17 February after a gruelling 66 days, 17 hours and 39 minutes.

Jim and his rowing partner Ian Davies (as team Never2Late) became the oldest pair to ever row the 3,000 miles from La Gomera to Antigua, setting a new world record.

UCBC newsletter HT24 - Jim (left) and Ian, before crossing the Atlantic

Jim (left) and Ian, before crossing the Atlantic

They raised over £25,000 for Myeloma UK and Papyrus, charities dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by myeloma and preventing young suicide.

Interview with Jim Ronaldson

Published: 27 March 2024

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