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Monash lockdown seminar

Monash lockdown seminarProfessor Tamsin Mather, Supernumerary Fellow in Earth Sciences, took part virtually in a joint department seminar organised by Monash University and the Australian National University.

Tamsin spoke about the impact of volcanism on the Earth’s atmosphere: from present-day volcanic “pollution” to geological mass extinction events to an audience across seven Australian universities. Her main research interests centre on the science behind volcanic behaviour, including their role as natural hazards, in maintaining habitability and as natural resources.

Tamsin has won many national and international prizes including Rosalind Franklin Award, the Philip Leverhulme prize, and UNESCO/L’Oréal UK & Ireland Women in Science. Tamsin teaches specialist classes to 3rd year and 4th year Earth Sciences undergraduates in the science of volcanoes (volcanology) through lectures, problems classes and tutorials.

You can now watch Tamsin’s lecture on the ANU Research School of Earth Sciences’s YouTube channel. You can learn more about Tamsin in her profile on our website.

Published: 14 July 2020

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