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European Biophysics Congress

Univ Aurélien Barbotin Travel 1OMT Graduate Travel Grant Report – Aurélien Barbotin

I have long awaited to attending the congress of the European Biophysical Societies Associations (EBSA). I am currently trying to shift fields, from engineering to biophysics, so it was very important for me to attend this multidisciplinary conference. I had the chance to attend talks given by world-leading scientists, such as Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz or Stefan Hell, and to meet a lot of my peers working in different universities across Europe.

I submitted an abstract about my research, which is the development of adaptive optics, a method that consists in correcting imperfections occuring when light propagates, for a certain class of microscopes used to quantify molecular motion (STED-FCS). My abstract was selected for both a talk and a poster session, during which I could receive useful feedback from my peers and from more experienced scientists.

Univ Aurélien Barbotin Travel 2Finally, I have received a warm welcome from the members of the European biophysics community I had the chance to meet. Hopefully, this will lead to future collaborations.

Find out more about the range of travel grants and scholarships available to assist Univ students on our Travel Grants page or read further travel reports.

Published: 26 September 2019

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