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Classism and Hate Crime

Alex Benn

Alex Benn

Alex Benn (2018, Law), Lecturer in Law, has written “Classism, Hate Crime and the Law Commission’s Consultation Paper 250: Lessons from Discrimination Law” for the Oxford Human Rights Hub Blog.

The post considers the Law Commission’s consultation on the law of hate crime and hate speech. The consultation paper considers the expansion of hate crime to include the protected grounds of gender, age, homelessness, sex work and alternative sub-culture. However, in doing so, the post argues that the Law Commission either reduces class to a background consideration or misses it entirely.

The post builds on Alex’s previous writing, particularly in “The Big Gap in Discrimination Law: Class and the Equality Act 2010″. It is part of a wider push to talk about class and to recognise classism as a form of discrimination — not just as a question of “socio-economic status”.

Alex has been teaching criminal law at Univ since 2019. Alongside teaching, Alex is undertaking pupillage with Red Lion Chambers in London.

You can read the blog post online here.

Published: 26 February 2021

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