
Univ produces a number of publications each year to help keep our Old Members and friends up-to-date with College life.

The Martlet magazine features news from College and articles from students, Old Members and Fellows; our latest publication, Univ Futures, showcases the amazing impact that donor support has had on many aspects of College life; and the University College Record is our annual publication which includes, amongst other things, academic results and details of Governing Body. Our regular Univ E-news provides updates with information about College life and details of all upcoming events.

Your input to The Martlet and recommendations for other news items is always greatly appreciated; if you have any suggestions, or you do not already receive our regular publications and would like to do so, please email the Communications Department E:

The Martlet

Univ Futures

University College Record

Univ E-news

Roger Short Memorial Fund Newsletters

Contact Univ

If you have any questions or need more information, just ask: